Then it hit me, why would a photography noob like me want to learn about making money from an enterprise where my skills are still mediocre?
The thought that it was no less than Nelwin Uy giving the workshop, I jumped at the opportunity, not thinking about the current level of my skills, because it was simply a rare learning experience.I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to be a wedding photographer but if I’m going to indulge myself in photography, I might as well learn how to earn from it.
Meeting the Guru
For someone highly esteemed in the wedding industry, one would probably expect a man with a bloated ego. However, Nelwin Uy proves that humility and success are not mutually exclusive. From the replies to email, to meeting us at the venue, he was very warm and courteous. He made sure that every attendee was personally welcomed. He extended his hands and introduced himself as though we didn’t know who he was.
Wealth of Inspiration
I’ve attended a few photography workshops before but XOXO was something else. The volume of information provided honest, practical, straightforward, yet inspiring knowledge. Coming from a guy who walks the talk, you just know you made the right investment.
The realization that he was speaking in front of a crowd for the first time overwhelmed Sir Nelwin. He was so apologetic about it, claiming he wasn’t born a public speaker. To us, it was perfectly understandable. The room roared in applause, assuring that everything was fine. Witnessing his flaws dispels the rumors that he is an alien who shoots crazy beautiful out -of this -world images.
Nelwin Uy is amazingly secure in his status that he didn’t mind spilling the beans about the ins and outs of the business to people who could rise to be his competitors. He was telling his stories with no trace of arrogance, even advising on disciplining oneself regarding finances and how not to give in to whatever new gear is in the market unless absolutely necessary.
Guest speakers were invited to talk about the methods that could help boost a wedding supplier’s business. Jana Simpao of Bride and Breakfast introduced her site and gave tips on blog-worthy photos. Dan Matutina, a graphic designer, emphasized the value of design and branding. Marbee Go, the editor-in-chief of Wedding Essentials Magazine, encouraged the submission of photos to their publication.
Walking With The Giants
My classmates in the workshop were mostly established photographers from different parts of the country. I was a midget walking with the giants. But talking to them was a learning experience in itself. Seeing the beautiful shots posted in their respective websites made me want earth to swallow me whole out of embarrassment, but as Sir Nelwin mentioned in the workshop, photography is creative a skill that can be learned without being a child prodigy. True enough, creativity and good taste are innate but skills have to be acquired through experience. Mental note to self: practice, practice, practice! I cannot let my precious XOXO knowledge go to waste.
I’ve been debating with myself whether or not I should post my own outputs. Admittedly, my abilities are not yet ripe for the picking but I got to start somewhere.
Whether you're a professional,a hobbyist like me, or simply a Nelwin Uy fan, be sure to sign up if ever he offers another workshop in the future, and make it quick as slots tend to fill up in the blink of an eye. I assure you , the investment will be well worth it.
Gowns by Veluz and Veejay Floresca
Flowers by Vatel Manila and Teddy Manuel
Make up by The Make Up Studio Team
XOXO Handwritten Logo by Fozzy Castro-Dayrit
Models: Tricia & Drew
Special Thanks to Ms Tey and little Gabe
Aperture trading for the freebies