While some people would spend most of their earnings on monthly bills, auto insurance, and maintenance medicines, little do they realize that God has whipped up a natural pharmacy for free. Malunggay is one of the natural remedies whose beneficial properties range from increased lactation for mothers, to the control of blood pressure. If that doesn't impress you, note that it also has skin-revitalizing properties. Yes my dearies, that green thingy can make you pretty.
If you have noticed, several companies have capitalized on the healing powers of Malunggay that it is now available in capsule, powdered and tea forms. The rich anti-oxidant properties of the plant has qualified it to be a detoxifying spa treatment as well.
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Famous for rendering this kind of treatment is the Terra Wellness Spa, at the 4th floor of Discovery Suites in Ortigas Center in Pasig. They pay homage to the Filipino heritage by making use of the Malunggay leaves, teamed up with another popular Filipino product, the Virgin Coconut Oil, to reverse the stressful effects of work and daily urban living. The powerful combination of anti-aging, anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties of the two key ingredients provide an ideal solution for healing, nourishing and protecting skin the organic way.
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The special formulation of Terra's Coco- Moringa has been made for sensitive skin, making it a suitable facial treatment called the "Terra's Signature facial" to rejuvenate the skin back to its healthy radiance. Another Malunggay treatment, the "Salt of The Earth," utilizes dead sea salt infused with Malunggay oil, Virgin Coconut Oil and Olive Oil to allow exfoliation. These ingredients polish the skin, preparing it for richer hydration. A soothing massage follows, adding aromatherapy oil to replenish lost moisture and renew the senses.
If you feel you need some pampering, you may inquire at Terra Wellness Spa at 638-9145 to 46 or 683-8222 loc.3804 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 Midnight daily, or send them an e-mail at terrawellness.spa@gmail.com. You can also visit their website at http://www.terra-spa.com.
If you want to score a free spa treatment worth P1700 from Terra Spa, hang on for a blog contest that we're cooking up for you. It's time that this blog gives back something to its loyal readers who deserve some pampering. Until Then!
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