Saturday, January 10, 2009

Twilight and Powder

I'm alive! What better way to stage my comeback than discussing on the immortal creatures that earned the massive following of movie goers and book lovers alike- The Cullen Family of Twilight? More than a month after the movie's release, it's a hang over more difficult to let go of, than that of the  long holiday season.

Having read the book before watching it, I was not as disappointed with the movie as I expected. Circulating in the net are rants about the movie not at par with the book, or the characters not being close to what they imagined. Well, for me the movie production was so-so. Not bad but not outstanding, either. At some points I would compare it to a movie produced by a budding film student. I was looking for the ethereal look from the Cullens that the LOTR had on its elves but it wasn't there. Honestly, the Edward I had my mind was someone like Nate of Gossip Girl series or anyone who would pass for a younger version of Brad Pitt or Superman, and have the power to put you under a spell the way Legolas did on me. The original choices Henry Cavill or Gaspard Uliel were more like it. However, Robert Pattinson's charm sort of grows on you. He's ok for me. He looks like Brendan Fraser in some angles. What's not ok was his makeup in the beginning of the movie.

Edward and Carlisle's appearances in the earlier parts of the movie were a little too creepy. It was screaming white Snazaroo, or Mac chromacake or Mehron face paints. There was a scene in the laboratory in which Edward was talking to Bella, his side view was focused, revealing a darker neck than his face. Carlisle coming into the emergency room scene on the other hand, would leave you running for the emergency exit when you see his freaky white ghostly skin as though the angel of death has come to get you. I think it was a little overdone. With that conspicuous appearance, it would be a wonder why the village people haven't burned them down. I know the Cullens were supposed to look whiter than most but it was taken a little too extreme to have you looking for Powder Boy as the missing Cullen son. It would have been easy to make albinism as a genetic culprit for the weird skin depigmentation but it was not in the story. Besides, the other Cullens' makeup were fine. In the later parts of the movie, Edward and Carlisle's makeup were more tolerable. Ok, I say a  lot better.

I am looking forward to better makeups on the movie's sequel, "New Moon," which is set for release on November 2009. The ethereal element, if they could squeeze that in would be nice, too.


  1. I felt exactly the same, i was so squeamish when I saw their make up...good thing it was gone at the end part!

  2. good to have you back...i've been browsing your website when you were away and can;t help admiring you! =)

  3. nikki: we can't help but notice it. hehe.

    sunmom: thanks for the warm welcome-back note. :) hopefully i'll have more time to write again.

  4. i was lol'ing here in the off when i got to the last part your post (your writing is witty!). having watched both films, i so get your point when it came to head of the Cullen family and powder... :P

  5. hehe.. powder was shown ages ago but he came popping in my head when i saw the twilight makeup. :P

  6. Twilight is my favorite movie. it also inspired the HBO television series Trueblood because of the popularity of the Twlight Saga.

  7. Thanks for sharing, Lenie. I can't wait for its sequel, New Moon.

  8. Twilight is simply the best movie and i am so much addicted to it. Kirsten Stewart is very pretty and Robery Pattinson is so handsome

  9. no spam comments, please!
