Friday, November 27, 2009

Beauty Ebooks

When I was still on residency training, ebooks were a big help to carry around tons of information in one gadget, the palm top or cell phone. We were training for specialty areas and not growing muscles to be the next Arnold Schwarzeneger, so Instead of carrying the full volumes of the actual books, the ebooks were our security blankets.

The ebooks, however, are not limited to academic resources.  Makeup books and style guides can also be downloaded and carried around. The following are just some of the best-selling beauty books you might want to indulge on:

Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual. It's a must-have for beauty addicts containing the tips and techniques for proper makeup application plus thorough step by step directions .
Each chapter has thorough step-by-step basic directions for makeup application and easy-to-follow photographs and line drawings, along with Bobbi's expert, yet assuring, advice. Plus, there's a groundbreaking section of the book that will be of special interest to women who've wanted to know how makeup stylists do what they do: the top beauty secrets only these artists know, essential equipment to keep on hand, how to break into the business, and how to work with photographers and celebrities.

Clueless about which makeups to buy? "The Beauty Buyble" ebook by Paula Conway is a handy guide to shopping smart in the cosmetics counter.
The Beauty Buyble is a one-stop reference to the year's best beauty buys and products. It takes out the guesswork, making it easier for you to find the best hair care, makeup, skin care, and beauty tools available on the market. This helpful, accessible book lists products in the low-,middle-, and high-end product range so you can find the product that's right for you and that will truly enhance your beauty. The clean, concise format helps you find just what you need-and the authors offer advice from celebrity hair stylists, makeup artists, and real women to help you get the best out of your beauty purchases!

Even Eve Pearl's makeup corrective tips on "Plastic Surgery without the Surgery" is now available on ebook format.
With easy-to-follow, professional secrets and four-color photos throughout, Eve Pearl, the Emmy Award-winning makeup artist from ABC's The View, teaches readers to lift their eyes, enlarge their breasts, plump their lips, reduce their nose size, and much more. From eyelift to facelift, readers will be amazed at the results-without the pain, the risk, or the cost of surgery!

If you'd rather save the trees and have the ebook version, these are all readily sold online. Plus, if you don't want to brave the traffic, they could be a perfect Christmas present as well!


  1. I love e-books they are handy and cheap and yes, good for the environment to.

  2. Oh wow! This is such great news. I have asked the husband to get me a copy of Bobbi Brown's The Make Up Manual for Christmas but now I am thinking of getting the ebook. It's indeed handy and environment-friendly. Thanks for sharing! :)
    - Kaith

  3. you're welcome, kaith. will drop by your site. :)
