Friday, October 2, 2009

The Doctor is (va)IN The Finals

I'm ecstatic to share that this blog has been chosen as one of the finalists of the Philippine Blog Awards, beauty blog category! Gaaahh!I didn't realize it would feel like entering the finals of Miss Universe.  Not that I've attempted in the past to join a beauty contest but somehow I get that it would just be as exciting.

I have been blogging for the past four years in my personal journals at Xanga and Blogspot, which accompanied me through several milestones and dramas of my life, including my battle with the big C.  For the most part, I got hooked into blogging for the emotional catharsis it provided. I didn't care if nobody read my entries, just as long as I got to unload the bottled up feelings which were about to explode in ugly proportions anytime.

From being the whiny blogger, I decided to divert my energy into something that would be less melodramatic and useful for others. Armed with the passion for beauty, writing in this niche was the most logical thing to do; hence, the birth of I may not keep this updated as often as I wanted to because of work,  but I hope that my posts here would inspire others to realize that beauty is inherent in them-it just has to be unleashed with the right techniques. With the humble knowledge I gathered from attending makeup school and from personal research and experiences, I wish that through this blog, I will be an instrument to their beautiful transformation.

Being placed alongside the best bloggers in the country is an honor itself. Upon entering the contest, I was giddy about the idea but I knew it would be a long shot. There was no way I could compete with other  blogs in terms of popularity but I am truly grateful for making it to the Philippine Bloggers' Awards' finalists  based on quality content and design. This recognition pushes me to do better. I am a work in progress but with an encouragement coming in this form, I know I'll get there someday. Thank you to the readers who appreciate what I have to offer and congratulations to the other finalists!


  1. hey doc grace, congratulations for winning 2009 PBA Best Beauty Blog! my wife and i were there and i tell you, you have a trophy (and a nokia phone ?) to claim from the organizers. congratz again and thanks for leaving a comment on my post. mabuhay ang mga pinoy (doctor) bloggers! cheers!

  2. oh my! really doc? waaaahhhh! thank you so much! that's really cool! congrats for making it to the finals too! i wish i were there even just to witness the name of my blog being called. hayz.. glad to meet fellow docs who blog. regards to your wife and your sweet kid. :)

  3. Congratulations for winning! :)

  4. Thank you, Anna! :) Thanks for linking me up from your blog.
